Geografijos metraštis, Nr. 55-56, 2022-2023 | DOI:
Giedrė Godienė, Genovaitė Kynė
Vilniaus universiteto Chemijos ir geomokslų fakulteto Geomokslų instituto Geografijos ir kraštotvarkos katedra, Mykolo Romerio universiteto Edukologijos ir socialinio darbo institutas / Vilnius University, Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences, Institute of Geosciences, Department of Geography and Land Management, Mykolas Romeris University, The Institute of Education and Social Work
Lietuvos geografų draugija (toliau – Draugija, LGD) yra savanoriška, savarankiška mokslinė visuomeninė organizacija, vienijanti geografus ir kitus fizinius bei juridinius asmenis, besidominčius geografijos mokslu bei mokymu ir remiančius jų pažangą. Draugijos nariais nuo pat jos įkūrimo 1934 metais gali būti visi asmenys, sulaukę 18 metų, palaikantys draugijos tikslus.
Pasitinkant 90-metį buvo peržiūrėta ir susisteminta per ilgą laiką Draugijos sukaupta patirtis ir įvairiapusės veiklos, aktualijos, pasiekimai, atskirų renginių įspūdžiai, 9 Prezidentų ir aktyvių narių darbai ir idėjos, nugulusios LGD ir susijusių su geografija organizacijų tinklalapiuose, ataskaitose, žinynuose. Neabejotina, kad Draugija buvo ir yra glaudžiai susijusi su bendra Lietuvos geografijos raida, su geografijos mokslo centrais.
Šiuo straipsniu norima nors glaustai peržvelgti Draugijos nueitą spalvingą kelią gausinant ir skleidžiant visuomenei profesionalias geografines žinias apie Lietuvą, savitų geografinių mokyklų ir nacionalinių mokslo centrų formavimą, indėlį į mūsų tautinės savimonės puoselėjimą ir valstybės kūrimą, jos gamtinio ir kultūrinio savitumo išsaugojimą, geografinį švietimą, jos narių tolimas ekspedicijas, tarptautinį bendradarbiavimą. Be abejo, šis tekstas niekaip negali aprėpti gausaus LGD paveldo, bet tikimės, kad sustiprins ir padės tiesti tiltą į ateinantį Draugijos šimtmetį.
Autorės didžiuojasi būdamos aktyviomis LGD narėmis: 2016–2023 m. Genovaitė Kynė buvo Lietuvos geografų draugijos prezidentė, o Giedrė Godienė – viceprezidentė. Šiuo rašiniu jos nuoširdžiai dėkoja visiems buvusiems, esamiems ir būsimiems LGD nariams, kurie savo žiniomis, tyrimais, publikacijomis ir žemėlapiais, mokomąja, visuomenine veikla, aktyvia pozicija ir pasiaukojančiomis kasdieninėmis pastangomis kuria įvairiapusę, gyvybingą ir stiprią geografų bendruomenę, gebančią deramai prisidėti prie Lietuvos klestėjimo ir bendrų geografinių idėjų plėtotės.
The Lithuanian Geographical Society (LGS) stands as a testament to the enduring commitment to geographical science, education, safeguarding of State Independance and national self-awareness in Lithuania. Founded on January 9, 1934, with the registration of its statutes, the Society’s inaugural meeting on January 26 marked the election of Prof. Kazys Pakštas as its first chairman. In the period of 90 years, the LGS has been led by nine dedicated presidents, each contributing to the Society’s growth and impact.
In the pre-war period of 1938, the Society had 120 members, a diverse group comprising not only geographers but also individuals from military and legal backgrounds. Notably, the LGS’s involvement in international hydrology conferences from 1936 demonstrated an early commitment to fostering global collaboration in geographical research. LGS established Membership in the International Geographical Union in 1938 and held the first National geographical Congress. Other Congresses: 1999, 2014, 2020.
The turbulent era of WW and Soviet occupation interrupted the history of Lithuania and the LGS, when the communication with global scientific community was forbidden. In 1955, the Geographical Society of the Lithuanian SSR was established as a branch of the USSR Geographical Society. The societal upheavals during the Soviet era posed challenges to geographical research, particularly in the realms of social geography and associated studies. Despite these challenges, LGD emerged as a crucial educational force, filling the void of public knowledge regarding Lithuania’s natural and cultural heritage.
During the Soviet era, significant studies in Physical geography were conducted, and Landscape geography gradually gained prominence. However, ideologically sensitive Social geography and associated research experienced a decline.
Among the longest continuous traditions of LGS – the publishment of periodic national scientific publication on geography still running from 1958 – Annales Geographicae, The Geographical Yearbook. Also, ongoing youth education – LGS School for Young Geographers, founded by Ass. Prof. R.Krupickas in 1986; in 2023 graduating over 3,500 children from across Lithuania, The National Students’ Geography Competition of prof. Č. Kudaba, held since 2001, involved 20,281 students (chairman Dr. Virginijus Gerulaitis). The annual conference „Geography: Scholars – for Teachers” and the publication of „Geography and Education” almanac continuing since 2013 (Z. Kairaitis).
In 1988, the founding Congress of the Lithuanian Persitvarkymo Sąjūdis, a pivotal moment in Lithuania’s history, included participation from LGS members. The independent Lithuanian Geographical Society was restored in 1989, April 24. Prof. Č. Kudaba, a prominent geographer, was among the signatories of the Act of Restored Lithuania’s Independence in 1990 May 11. LGS and geographers played a pivotal role in shaping the Independant country’s future. Their contributions spanned the preparation of legal acts, regional planning, and decision-making on various aspects of governance, including state border delimitation, administrative division and the development of Nature protected areas, key infrastructure, etc..
In 1990-2002 the boost of Geography was estimated. The State Institute of Geography was established (head Ass. prof. R. Baubinas in 2000-2002) (after several reorganisations, research on Physical geography is concentrated in research institutes as The Nature Research Centre (since 2010) and Social Geography – in The Department of Regional and Urban Researcht of the Lithuanian Center for Social Research (since 2012). Klaipėda University was restored with the Department of Social Geography. The Department of Geography and Land management at Vilnius University grew an Lithuanian geographical school on Landscape analysis and Land management, leading by Prof. P. Kavaliauskas (the Concept of Nature framework, scientific methodologies of contemporary spatial planning were elaborated, etc.).
The Honorable LGS Medal of Prof. K. Pakstas was founded by prof. St. Vaitiekunas in 1997 in order to award a person or an institution for special merits in the development of the geogfraphical science, studies, particularly important publications, the promotion of Lithuanian geography in the world, etc. (11 awarded).
LGS membership in the IGU was officially reinstated in 2010. Subsequent representation at IGU conferences in Keln (2012), Krakow (2014), and Moscow (2015) reflected Lithuania’s renewed global engagement in geographical discourse (prof. D. Krupickaite, prof. D. Burneika).
By the initiative of G. Kyne, unique geographical expeditions, termed „brydės,” following Lithuanian footprints worldwide were performed, including Belize (2015), around the Baltic (2016), around the Globe (2018), Alaska, USA (2022), and Canada (2023) aimed to connect with Lithuanian communities, document emigration stories, and promote Lithuania’s identity globally.
In 2019, LGS took on the leadership the coordination the global „GeoNight” events in Lithuania. Over five years, 76 public geographical events for wide public engaged more than 4,000 participants, among them the most massive initiatives were „Geographical window” (2019), „Lithuania – land of Nemunas river” and „Lithuanian Look” (2023), performed by Dr. G. Godiene, VU.
The Society’s dedication to academic excellence and linguistic development is evident in initiatives like the three-volume national atlas of Lithuania, published from 2015 to 2017, and the quadrilingual Explanatory Dictionary of Geographical Terms issued in 2021.
As of 2024, the Lithuanian Geographical Society stands strong with 171 members, reflecting a legacy of resilience, innovation, and unwavering dedication to the field of geography. The Society’s multifaceted contributions encompass education, research, global outreach, and environmental advocacy, making it a cornerstone in Lithuania’s geographical and cultural landscape.