Fizinio aktyvumo „Beskidzka 5“ turizmo klasteryje sąlygos ir galimybės / Conditions and Possibilities of Undertaking Physical Activity in the “Beskidzka 5” Tourism Cluster

Geografija ir edukacija, Nr. 5, 2017 p. 77 – 83.


Wojciech Chudy

The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice, Poland

Valeri Krutikov
Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University, Russia

Straipsnyje apibendrinti autorių fizinio aktyvumo tyrimai, kurie buvo atlikti turizmo klasteryje „Beskidzka 5“. Šis turizmo klasteris – tai mikrogeografinis regionas, tinkamas atlikti fizinio aktyvumo vertinimo ir matavimo tyrimus. Tyrimu siekta skatinti ir propaguoti pozityvų požiūrį į fizinį aktyvumą gyvenime, parodyti turizmo klasterio galimybes tai pasiekti. Tyrimo rezultatai ir gauti empiriniai duomenys bei jų analizė parodė, kad turizmo klasterio „Beskidzka 5“ esanti infrastruktūros įvairovė yra patrauklus turizmo produktas plėtoti įvairialypes žmogaus fizinio aktyvumo galimybes.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: turizmo klasteris, fizinis aktyvumas, „Beskidzka 5“.


The content of reports is summarized part of the doctoral thesis, incurred as a result of years of research of the author. The study was conducted in the field of physical activity of the society carried out in specific geo-spatial boundaries which is called the tourist cluster “Beskidzka 5”. For these reasons, the “Beskidzka 5” tourism micro-region is an appropriate area for measurement, analysis and evaluation of possibilities of undertaking physical activities. Thus, the subject matter of this thesis results on one hand from the need to develop all aspects of physical activity in order to promote active attitude towards exercises in everyday life, and on the other hand – from the need to define the role of the tourism cluster in strengthening of physically proactive attitudes. Analysis of empirical material gathered as a result of the study confirmed that the spatial diversity of the infrastructure makes the existing possibilities of undertaking physical activity in the area of the “Beskidzka 5” cluster complementary to each other and act together as highly attractive tourist product of the discussed area.

Keywords: tourism cluster, physical activity, “Beskidzka 5”.

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