Geografija ir edukacija, Nr. 8, 2020, p. 9 – 25.
Milda Radzevičiūtė, Jurgita Mačiulytė
Vilniaus universitetas, Geomokslų institutas
Vilnius University, Institute of Geosciences
Straipsnyje analizuojama Lietuvos moterų, dalyvaujančių priimant politinius sprendimus, dalis. Aptariama lyčių pusiausvyros politikoje svarba, temos aktualumas, visuomenėje
vyraujantys stereotipai moterų santykio su politika atžvilgiu, nagrinėjama Lietuvos politikių moterų padėtis bendrame Europos Sąjungos valstybių kontekste. Šiame tyrime daugiausia dėmesio skiriama moterų atstovavimui Lietuvos Respublikos Seime per pastarąsias tris kadencijas (2008–2019 m.) ir moterų dalyvavimo Lietuvos savivaldybių tarybose (2011–2019 m.) vertinimui laiko ir erdvės atžvilgiu.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: lyčių nelygybė, moterų politinė galia, Europos Sąjunga, moterys Lietuvos politinėse valstybės institucijose, moterys vietos savivaldoje.
This article analyzes the share of Lithuanian women in political decision-making. The article discusses the importance of gender balance in politics, the relevance of the topic, the stereotypes of women politicians prevailing in the society and analyzes the situation of Lithuanian politicians in the general context of the European Union states. This study focuses on the change in the proportion of women in the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania during the last three terms of office (2008–2019 period) and the change in the share of women in Lithuanian municipal councils (period 2011–2019). The survey is based on data from the Lithuanian Central Electoral Commission, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Institute for Gender Equality.
One of the objectives of the European Union is the balance of gender equality in political power. Lithuania‘s situation on this issue in the European Union is rather moderate. In most of the areas of political decision-making that are important to the state, Lithuania is behind the EU average. Although progress in gender equality is generally observed in Europe, there are no more noticeable changes in Lithuania or improvement in the situation – women remain a critical mass (30 % below the threshold) among the heads of state, parliament and municipal councils.
Keywords: gender inequality, women‘s political power, European Union, women in Lithuanian political institutions, women in local government.
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