Antrinio gamtos išteklių naudojimo skatinimas per geografijos pamokas / Stimulating of Natural Resources’ Second Use in Geography Lessons

Geografija ir edukacija, Nr. 1, 2013, p. 105- 111.

Olga Titova
Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas
Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences

Straipsnis parengtas apibendrinant jauno amžiaus respondentų apklausos duomenis, kaip jie renka ir rūšiuoja buitines atliekas. Apklausti 1304 (iki 25 metų) tiriamieji iš įvairių Lietuvos vietovių. Nagrinėjama, kodėl didelė dalis tyrimo dalyvių nerenka ir nerūšiuoja buitinių atliekų, kas trukdo tai daryti, ar mokiniai mokykloje gauna pakankamai informacijos apie tai, kaip rūšiuoti buitines atliekas.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: buitinės atliekos, rinkimas, rūšiavimas, svarba.

Collection, sorting of and recovery of materials from household wastes represent one of the most urgent global problems of today. Many developed countries pay great attention to this problem. In Lithuania, the larger part of household wastes is not used and is disposed of in landfills. For this reason, the initial stage of household waste management, i. e. collection and sorting, is of topical importance. About 1304 young people residing in different Lithuanian localities have been interviewed regarding the collection and sorting of household wastes. It has turned out that only 35.2 % of respondents participate in collection and sorting of household wastes and only less than 20 % of them do this on a regular basis. The main indicated causes of not participating in the collection and sorting of wastes are: inconvenient collection sites, lack of time and lack of information. As many as two thirds of respondents are dissatisfied with the existing scheme of collection and sorting of household wastes: the containers for wastes are inconveniently distributed; waste collectors mix the sorted wastes; the public is not financially motivated. In order to improve public participation in collection and sorting of household wastes the respondents suggest – to improve the public information systems. The present research revealed low interest of young people in the problems of nature protection, i. e. low level of public consciousness. This situation should be an object of great concern for the staff of environmental institutions and society in general.
Keywords: household wastes, collection, sorting.

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