Geografija ir edukacija, Nr. 3, 2015, p. 36 – 45.
Erika Gegelevičiūtė
Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas / Lithuanian University of Education Sciences
Kelių transporto tematika yra aktuali šiomis dienomis, kadangi kelių transportas apima apie 98 proc. keleivių pervežimo ir apie 43 proc. krovinių gabenimo, palyginti su kitomis transporto rūšimis. Šiuo metu jau yra parengta Ilgalaikė Lietuvos transporto plėtros strategija (iki 2025 m.), kurioje numatoma pasiekti geresnę kelių būklę, modernizuoti kelių tinklus. Straipsnyje pateikiama keleivių vežimo ir krovinių gabenimo kelių transportu analizė 2000–2012 m. Aptariamos keleivių vežimo ir krovinių gabenimo sąsajos su automobilių infrastruktūros plėtros tendencijomis.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: transportas, keleiviai, kroviniai, gabenimas, infrastruktūra.
The theme of this article is relevant because in today’s world, road transport is the fastest growing mean of transportation which carries approximately 98 % of passengers and 43 % of freight when compared against other means of transportation. Based on current road maintenance and development programs, it is apparent that over the next several years most gravel roads are planned to be paved and new roads developed. Main aims of this article are to examine road transport infrastructure in Lithuania, provide analysis of passenger and freight movements by road between the years of 2000 and 2012, and reveal road transport development key trends for the future. This article revealed that the current road network in Lithuania is relatively dense and well developed, and that the passenger and freight movements have increased the most after Lithuania’s accession to the EU in 2004, and began to decline during the economic crisis of 2008 and 2009. However, the 2011–2012 year has already indicated that the number of passenger and freight movements started growing. Lastly, through the use of sophisticated transport planning software, the article revealed several development opportunities and key trends for the Lithuania’s road infrastructure.
Keywords: transport, passengers, freight, transportation, infrastructure.Krovinių ir keleivių gabenimo Lietuvos kelių transportu 2000–2012 m. sąsajų su automobilių transporto infrastruktūros plėtros tendencijomis analizė
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